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DAML Expense Reconciliation

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This page describes an in-progress "DAML-in-the-Small" application I'm writing to reconcile my personal travel and other expenses. I've long wanted to implement something like this, but hadn't previously had sufficient motivation or tools. DAML worked quite well. While it's unlikely that others will be able to use most of this software directly, the approach and lessons learned should be more widely applicable.


I travel quite a bit (20-30 business trips a year for the past 8 years) and have to file an expense report for each trip. When my monthly Corporate American Express bill arrives, I spot check it, but don't carefully cross-check it with my trip reports. If a hotel added a few dollar charge after checkout, or a rental car was double billed in 2 consecutive months, I probably wouldn't catch it. Based on the errors I have occasionally found, I expect more may be lurking.

Data Sources

I started with 5 different data sources: I developed a DAML ontology and conversion program(s) for each of these data sources. These are linked from the table below, which also contains some statistics on my current data (which is not being made available).

Data Source Since Ontology Conversion Program(s) Transactions DAML Statements
Am Ex Dec 2000 amex-ont.daml amex.java 103 618
check register Sep 1991 check-ont.daml check.java 4796 28862
trip reports Jan 2000 trip-ont.daml trip.bas
197 916
EECR reports Oct 1999 eecr-ont.daml eecr.java 260 1224
Hilton HHonors Jan 2000 TBD hhonors.webl


I decided to use JESS rules to implement the matching between expenses. The current version is match.clp.

The DAML is converted into an input file containing JESS facts using a genfacts.java program that I'd previously developed, and loaded into JESS. In the future, I'd like to load DAML statements directly through the JESS API. Each DAML statement is represented as a single JESS fact (it would be interesting to compare the performance of this approach to representing known schemas as unordered facts).

After the rules and facts are loaded into JESS, the rules are fired. Several JESS queries are then performed to identify any unmatched transactions.


The application takes about 200 seconds to run on my 850 MHz laptop. I haven't made any significant attempts to optimize this. Almost all of the time is spent loading the facts. The rules fire in a few seconds, and currently generate 422 matches. Memory usage grows to 200 MB.

Obviously, it would be nice to get more of the original information (hotel check-out statements, credit card statements, etc.) directly in DAML form.

The semantics of some of the current sources is murky. For example, our corporate trip report format has no way to distinguish parking charges that are included in a hotel bill from those that are paid separately in cash or by credit card.

It would be nice to have a graph filtering tool to extract only the transactions with category #BBN from my generated check.daml file before importing them into JESS.

I haven't yet identified any inconsistent charges or payments, but plan to keep looking!

Possible Future Directions


Mike Dean
$Id: index.xml,v 1.11 2002/04/11 14:14:38 kmbarber Exp $