Return-Path: Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Sender: Message-Id: Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 12:28:34 -0400 To: From: Jim Hendler Cc:, Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Subject: 1st public release - DAML-ONT Resent-From: X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/15 X-Loop: Sender: Resent-Sender: Precedence: list List-Id: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: Content-Length: 2177 As program manager of the "DARPA Agent Markup Language" initiative, I am pleased to announce the first release of a significant piece of the DAML language. DAML is an effort to help bring the "semantic web" into being, focusing on the eventual creation of a web logic language. It represents joint work between DoD, industry and academia in both the US and the European Community and we hope it will lead to the eventual web standard in this area. This first release is a draft language for the "ontology" core of the language (roughly corresponding to a frame-based or description logic starting place) - this allows the definition of classes and subclasses, their properties, and a set of restrictions thereon. The language does not yet include any specification of explicit inference rules, which we hope will follow. We believe this ontology core will be a useful starting place for extending the language, and for experiments in a web-based semantic language that is accessible to a wide audience. The language is based on RDF (actually RDF Schema) and extends it to include new concepts. A group of researchers from MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science had primary responsibility for developing this language core. This was then extended by a number of people including representives from the OIL effort, the SHOE project, the KIF work, and DAML contractors. Some of the primary contributors are listed below. Details of the language release and pointers to the above named projects (and others) can be found at - Jim Hendler DAML Program Manager --------- Preliminary release - DAML-ONT 0.5 The documents in this collection reflect the contributions of a large number of people and projects. Lynn Andrea Stein, Dan Connolly, Deborah McGuinness, editors. Key contributors include: Tim Berners-Lee Frank van Harmelen Ian Horrocks Dan Brickley Mike Dean Stefan Decker Richard Fikes Pat Hayes Jeff Heflin Drew McDermott Ralph R. Swick Dr. James Hendler Chief Scientist, DARPA/ISO 703-696-2238 (phone) 3701 N. Fairfax Dr. 703-696-2201 (Fax) Arlington, VA 22203