2.1 Overview of SWSL-Rules and SWSL-FOL

As mentioned in the introduction, SWSL consists of two separate sublanguages, which have layered structure. This section gives an overview of these layers.

The SWSL-Rules language is designed to provide support for a variety of tasks that range from service profile specification to service discovery, contracting, policy specification, and so on. The language is layered to make it easier to learn and to simplify the use of its various parts for specialized tasks that do not require the full expressive power of SWSL-Rules. The layers of SWSL-Rules are shown in Figure 2.1.

SWSL-Rules Layers

Figure 2.1: The Layered Structure of SWSL-Rules

The core of the language consists of the pure Horn subset of SWSL-Rules. The monotonic Lloyd-Topor (Mon LT) extension [Lloyd87] of the core permits disjunctions in the rule body and conjunction and implication in the rule head. NAF is an extension that allows negation in the rule body, which is interpreted as negation-as-failure. More specifically, negation is interpreted using the so called well-founded semantics [VanGelder91]. The nonmonotonic Lloyd-Topor extension (Nonmon LT) further permits quantifiers and implication in the rule body. The Courteous rules [Grosof99a] extension introduces two new features: restricted classical negation and prioritized rules. HiLog and Frames extend the language with a different kind of ideas. HiLog [Chen93] enables high degree of meta-programming by allowing variables to range over predicate symbols, function symbols, and even formulas. Despite these second-order features, the semantics of HiLog remains first-order and tractable. It has been argued [Chen93] that this semantics is more appropriate for many common tasks in knowledge representation than the classical second-order semantics. The Frames layer of SWSL-Rules introduces the most common object-oriented features, such as the frame syntax, types, and inheritance. The syntax and semantics of this extension is inspired by F-logic [Kifer95] and the followup works [Frohn94, Yang02, Yang03]. Finally, the Reification layer provides a mechanism for making objects out of a large class of SWSL-Rules formulas, which puts such formulas into the domain of discourse and allows reasoning about them.

All of the above layers have been implemented in one system or another and have been found highly valuable in knowledge representation. For instance, FLORA-2 [Yang04] includes all layers except Courteous rules and Nonmonotonic Lloyd-Topor. SweetRules [Grosof2004b] supports Courteous extensions, and Ontobroker [Ontobroker] supports Nonmonotonic Lloyd-Topor and frames.

Four points should be noted about the layering structure of SWSL-Rules.

  1. The lines in Figure 2.1 represent inclusion dependencies among layers. For instance, Nonmonotonic LT layer includes both NAF and Monotonic LT. Reification includes HiLog and Frames, Courteous includes NAF, etc.
  2. The different branches of Figure 2.1 are orthogonal and they all can be combined. For instance, the Frames and HiLog layers can be combined with the Courteous and Nonmon LT layers. Likewise, the equality layer can be combined with any other layer. Thus, SWSL-Rules is a unified language that combines all the layers into a coherent and powerful knowledge representation language.
  3. Second, the Lloyd-Topor extensions and the Courteous rules extensions endow SWSL-Rules with all the normal first-order connectives. Therefore, syntactically SWSL-Rules contains all the connectives of the full first-order logic, which provides a bridge to SWSL-FOL. However, semantically the two sublanguages of SWSL are incompatible. Their semantics agree only over a relatively small, but useful subset of Horn rules. Section 5 discusses how the two sublanguages can be used together.
  4. SWSL-Rules distinguishes between connectives with the classical first-order semantics and connectives that have nonmonotonic semantics. For instance, it uses two different forms of negation—naf, for negation-as-failure, and neg, for classical negation. Likewise, it distinguishes between the classical implication, <== and ==>, and the if-then connective :- used for rules.

SWSL-FOL is used to specify the dynamic properties of services, namely, the processes that they are intended to carry out. SWSL-FOL also has layered structure, which is depicted in Figure 2.2.


Figure 2.2: The Layers of SWSL-FOL and Their Relationship to SWSL-Rules

The bottom of Figure 2.2 shows those layers of SWSL-Rules that have monotonic semantics and therefore can be extended to full first-order logic. Above each layer of SWSL-Rules, the figure shows corresponding SWSL-FOL extension. The most basic extension is SWSL-FOL. The other three layers, SWSL-FOL+Equality, SWSL-FOL+HiLog, and SWSL-FOL+Frames extend SWSL-FOL both syntactically and semantically. Some of these extensions can be further combined into more powerful FOL languages. We discuss these issues in Section SWSL-FOL: The First-order Subset of SWSL.

2.2 Basic Definitions

In this section we define the basic syntactic components that are common to all layers of SWSL-Rules. Additional syntax will be added as more layers are introduced.

A constant is either a numeric value, a symbol, a string, or a URI.

A prefix declaration is a statement of the form

      prefix prefix-name = "URI".

The prefix can then be used instead of the URI in sQNames. For instance, if we define

      prefix w3 = "http://www.w3.org/TR/".

then the SWSL-URI _"http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/" is considered to be equivalent to w3#"TR/xquery/"

A variable is an alphanumeric symbol (plus the underscore), which is prefixed with the ?-sign. Examples: ?_, ?abc23.

A first-order term is either a constant, a variable, or an expression of the form t(t1,...,tn), where t is a constant and t1,...,tn are first-order terms. Here the constant t is said to be used as a function symbol and t1,...,tn are used as arguments. Variable-free terms are also called ground.

Following Prolog, we also introduce special notation for lists: [t1,...,tn] and [t1,...,tn|rest], where t1,...,tn and rest are first-order terms. The first form shows all the elements of the list explicitly and the latter shows explicitly only a prefix of the list and uses the first-order term rest to represent the tail. We should note that, like in Prolog, this is just a convenient shorthand notation. Lists are nothing but first-order terms that are representable with function symbols. For instance, if cons denotes a function symbol that prepends a term to the head of a list then [a,b,c] is represented as first-order term cons(a,cons(b,c)).

A first-order atomic formula has the same form as first-order terms except that a variable cannot be a first-order atomic formula. We do not distinguish predicates as a separate class of constants, as this is usually not necessary, since first-order atomic formulas can be distinguished from first-order terms by the context in which they appear.

As many other rule-based languages, SWSL-Rules has a special unification operator, denoted =. The semantics of the unification operator is fixed and therefore it cannot appear in a rule head. An atomic formula of the form

      term1 = term2

where both terms are ground, is true if and only if the two terms are identical. If term1 and term2 have variables, then an occurrence of the above formula in a rule body is interpreted as a test of whether a substitution exists that can make the two terms identical. The = predicate is related to the equality predicate :=: introduced by the Equality Layer, which is discussed later.

To test that two terms do not unify SWSL-Rules uses the disunification operator !=. For ground terms, term1 != term2 iff the two terms are not identical. For non-ground terms, this is true if the two terms do not unify.

A conjunctive formula is either an atomic formula or a formula of the form

      atomic formula   and   conjunctive formula

where and is a conjunction connective. Here and henceforth in similar definitions, italicized words will be meta-symbols that denote classes of syntactic entities. For instance, atomic formula above means ``any atomic formula.'' An and/or formula is either a conjunctive formula or a formula of either of the forms

      conjunctive formula   or   and/or formula
      and/or formula   and   and/or formula

In other words, an and/or formula can be an arbitrary Boolean combination of atomic formulas that involves the connectives and and or.

Comments. SWSL-Rules has two kinds of comments: single line comments and multiline comments. The syntax is the same as in Java. A single-line comment is any text that starts with a // and continues to the end of the current line. If // starts within a string ("...") or a symbol ('...') then these characters are considered to be part of the string or the symbol, and in this case they do not start a comment. A multiline comment begins with /* and end with a matching */. The combination /* does not start a comment if it appears inside a string or a symbol. The /* - */ pairs can be nested and a nested occurrence of */ does not close the comment. For instance, in

      /* start /* foobar */ end */

only the second */ closes the comment.

2.3 Horn Rules

A Horn rule has the form

      head :- body.

where head is an atomic formula and body is a conjunctive formula.

A Horn query is of the form

      ?- query.

where query is a conjunctive formula.

Rules can be recursive, i.e., the predicate in the head of a rule can occur (with the same arity) in the body of the rule; or they can be mutually recursive, i.e., a head predicate can depend on itself through a sequence of rules.

All variables in a rule are considered implicitly quantified with outside of the rule, i.e., ∀?X,?Y,...(head :- body). A variable that occurs in the body of a rule but not its head can be equivalently considered as being implicitly existentially quantified in the body. For instance,

      ∀?X,?Y ( p(?X) :- q(?X,?Y) )

is equivalent to

      ∀?X ( p(?X) :- ∃?Y q(?X,?Y) )

Sets of Horn rules have the nice property that their semantics can be characterized in three different and independent ways: through the regular first-order entailment, as a minimal model (which in this case happens to be the intersection of all Herbrand models of the rule set) and as a least fixpoint of the immediate consequence operator corresponding to the rule set [Lloyd87].

2.4 The Monotonic Lloyd-Topor Layer

This layer extends the Horn layer with three kinds of syntactic sugar:

  1. Disjunction in the rule body
  2. Conjunction in the rule head
  3. It introduces the new symbols of classical implication and allows their use in the rule head.

A classical implication is a statement of either of the following forms:

      formula1 ==> formula2
      formula1 <== formula2

The Lloyd-Topor implication (abbr., LT implication) is a special case of the classical implication where the formula in the head is a conjunction of atomic formulas and the formula in the body can contain both conjunctions and disjunctions of atomic formulas.

A classical bi-implication is a statement of the form

      formula1 <==> formula2

The Lloyd-Topor bi-implication (abbr., LT bi-implication) is a special case of the classical bi-implication where both formulas are conjunctions of atomic formulas.

The monotonic LT layer extends Horn rules in the following way. A rule still has the form

      head :- body.

but head can now be a conjunction of atomic formulas and/or LT implications (including bi-implications) and body can consist of atomic formulas combined in arbitrary ways using the and and the or connectives.

This extension is considered a syntactic sugar, since semantically any set of extended rules reduces to another set of pure Horn rules as follows:

Complex formulas in the head are broken down using the last three reductions. Rule bodies that contain both disjunctions and conjunctions are first converted into disjunctive normal form and then are broken down using the first reduction rule.

2.5 The NAF Layer

The NAF layer add the negation-as-failure symbol, naf. For instance,

      p(?X,?Y) :- q(?X,?Z) and naf r(?Z,?Y).

In SWSL-Rules we adopt the well-founded semantics [VanGelder91] as a way to interpret negation as failure. This semantics has good computational properties when no first-order terms of arity greater than 0 are involved, and the well-founded model is always defined and is unique. This model is three-valued, so some facts may have the ``unknown'' truth value.

We should note one important convention regarding the treatment of variables that occur under the scope of naf and that do not occur anywhere outside of naf in the same rule. The well-founded semantics was defined only for ground atoms and the interpretation of unbound variables was left open. Therefore, if Z does not occur elsewhere in the rule then the meaning of

      ... :- ... and naf r(?X) and ...

can be defined as

      ... :- ... and ∃ X (naf r(?X)) and ...

or as

      ... :- ... and ∀ X (naf r(?X)) and ...

In practice, the second interpretation is preferred, and this is also a convention used in SWSL-Rules.

2.6 The Nonmonotonic Lloyd-Topor Layer

This layer introduces explicit bounded quantifiers (both exist and forall), classical implication symbols, <== and ==>, and the bi-implication symbol <==> in the rule body. This essentially permits arbitrary first-order-looking formulas in the body of SWSL-rules. We say "first-order-looking" because it should be kept in mind that the semantics of SWSL-Rules is not first-order and, for example, classical implication A <== B is interpreted in a non-classical way: as (A or naf B) rather than (A or neg B) (where neg denotes classical negation).

Recall that without explicit quantification, all variables in a rule are considered implicitly quantified with forall outside of the rule, i.e., forall ?X,?Y,...(head :- body). A variable that occurs in the body of a rule but not its head can be equivalently considered as being implicitly existentially quantified in the body. For instance,

      forall ?X,?Y ( p(?X) :- q(?X,?Y) )

is equivalent to

      forall ?X ( p(?X) :- exist ?Y q(?X,?Y) )

In the scope of the naf operator, unbound variables have a different interpretation under negation as failure. For instance, if ?X is bound and ?Y is unbound then

      p(?X) :- naf q(?X,?Y)

is actually supposed to mean

      forall ?X ( p(?X) :- naf exist ?Y q(?X,?Y) )

If we allow explicit universal quantification in the rule bodies then implicit existential quantification is not enough and explicit existential quantifier is needed. This is because forall and exist do not commute and so, for example, forall ?X exist ?Y and exist ?Y forall ?X mean different things. If only implicit existential quantification were available, it would not be possible to differentiate between the above two forms.

Formally, the Nonmonotonic Lloyd-Topor layer permits the following kinds of rules. The rule heads are the same as in the monotonic LT extension. The rule bodies are defined as follows.

Positive occurrence of a free variable in a formula is defined as follows:

The semantics of Lloyd-Topor extensions is defined via a transformation into the NAF layer as shown below. The theory behind this transformation is described in [Lloyd87].

Lloyd-Topor transformation: The transformation is designed to eliminate the extended forms that may occur in the bodies of the rules compared to the NAF layer. These extended forms involve the various types of implication and the explicit quantifiers. Note that the rules, below, must be applied top-down, that is, to the conjuncts that appear directly in the rule body. For instance, if the rule body looks like

      ... :- ... and ((forall X exist Y (foo(Y,Y) ==> bar(X,Z))) <== foobar(Z)) and ...

then one should first apply the rule for <==, then the rules for forall should be applied to the result, and finally the rules for exist.

The above transformations are inspired by (but are not derived from, due to a significant difference between naf and neg!) the classical tautologies (f ==> g) <==> (neg f or g)   and   forall X (f) <==> neg exist neg X (f), and by the fact mentioned in section The NAF Layer that naf p(X), when X does not occur anywhere else in the rule, is interpreted as forall X (naf p(X)).

2.7 The Courteous Rules Layer

2.8 The HiLog Layer

HiLog [Chen93] extends the first-order syntax with higher-order features. In particular, it allows variables to range over function symbols, predicate symbols, and even atomic formulas. These features are useful for supporting reification and in cases when an agent needs to explore the structure of an unknown piece of knowledge. HiLog further supports parameterized predicates, which are useful for generic definitions (illustrated below).

This definition may seem quite similar to the definition of complex first-order terms, but, in fact, it defines a vastly larger set of expressions. In first-order terms, t must be a constant, while in HiLog it can be any HiLog term. In particular, it can be a variable or even another first-order term. For instance, the following are legal HiLog terms:

We will see soon how such terms can be useful in knowledge representation.

Thus, expressions like ?X(a,?Y(?X)) are atomic formulas and thus can have truth values (when the variables are instantiated or quantified). What is less obvious is that ?X is also an atomic formula. What all this means is that atomic formulas are automatically reified and can be passed around by binding them to variables and evaluated. For instance, the following HiLog query

      ?- q(?X) and ?X.

succeeds with the above database and ?X gets bound to p(a).

Another interesting example of a HiLog rule is

      call(?X) :- ?X.

This can be viewed as a logical definition of the meta-predicate call/1 in Prolog. Such a definition does not make sense in first-order logic (and is, in fact, illegal), but it is legal in HiLog and provides the expected semantics for call/1.

We will now illustrate one use of the parameterized predicates of the form p(...)(...). The example shows a pair of rules that defines a generic transitive closure of a binary predicate. Depending on the actual predicate passed in as a parameter, we can get different transitive closures.

      closure(?P)(?X,?Y) :- ?P(?X,?Y).
      closure(?P)(?X,?Y) :- ?P(?X,?Z) and closure(?P)(?Z,?Y).

For instance, for the parent predicate, closure(parent) is defined by the above rules to be the ancestor relation; for the edge relation that represents edges in a graph, closure(edge) will become the transitive closure of the graph.

2.9 The Equality Layer

This layer introduces the full equality predicate, :=:. The equality predicate obeys the usual congruence axioms for equality. In particular, it is transitive, symmetric, reflexive, and the logical entailment relation is invariant with respect to the substitution of equals by equals. For instance, if we are told that bob :=: father(tom) (bob is the same individual as the one denoted by the term father(tom)) then if p(bob) is known to be true then we should be able to derive p(father(tom)). If we are also told that bob :=: uncle(mary) is true then we can derive father(tom):=: uncle(mary).

Equality in a Semantic Web language is important to be able to state that two different identifiers represent the same resource. For that reason, equality was part of OWL [OWL Reference]. Although equality drastically increases the computational complexity, some forms of equality, such as ground equality, can be handled efficiently in a rule-based language.

The equality predicate :=: is different from the unification operator = in several respects. First, for variable free terms, term1 = term2 if and only if the two terms are identical. In contrast, as we have just seen, two distinct terms can be equal with respect to :=:. Since :=: is reflective, it follows that the interpretation of :=: always contains the interpretation of =. Second, the unification operator = cannot appear in a rule head, while the equality predicate :=: can. When :=: occurs in the rule head (or as a fact), it is an assertion (maybe conditional) that two terms are equal. For instance, given the above definitions,

      f(a,?X):=:g(?Y,b) :- p(?X,?Y).

entails the following equalities between distinct terms: f(a,1):=:g(2,b) and f(a,2):=:g(3,b).

When term1 :=: term2 occurs in the body of a rule and term1 and term2 have variables, this predicate is interpreted as a test that there is a substitution that makes the two terms equal with respect to :=: (note: equal, not identical!). For instance, in the query

      ?- f(a,?X):=:g(?Y,b) and q(?Y).

one answer substitution is ?X/1,?Y/2 and the other is ?X/2,?Y/3.

2.10 The Frames Layer

The Frames layer introduces object-oriented syntax modeled after F-logic [Kifer95] and its subsequent enhancements [Yang02, Yang03]. The main syntactic additions of this layer include

The object-oriented extensions introduced by the Frames layer are orthogonal to the other layers described so far and can be combined with them within the SWSL-Rules language.

As in most object-oriented languages, the three main concepts in the Frames layer of SWSL-Rules are objects, classes, and methods. (We are borrowing from the object-oriented terminology here rather than AI terminology, so we are refer to methods rather than slots.) Any class is also an object, and the same expression can denote an object or a class represented by this object in different contexts.

A method is a function that takes arguments and executes in the context of a particular object. When invoked, a method returns a result and can possibly alter the state of the knowledge base. A method that does not take arguments and does not change the knowledge base is called an attribute. An object is represented by its object Id, the values of its attributes, and by the definitions of its methods. Method and attribute names are represented as objects, so one can reason about them in the same language.

An object Id is syntactically represented by a ground term. Terms that do have variables are viewed as templates for collections of object Ids—one Id per ground instantiation of all the variables in the term. By term we mean any expression that can bind a variable. What constitutes a legal term depends on the layer. In the basic case, by term we mean just a first-order term. If the Frames layer is combined with HiLog, then terms are meant to be HiLog terms. Later, when we introduce reification, reification terms will also be considered.

Molecules. Molecules play the role of atomic formulas. We first describe atomic molecules and then introduce complex molecules. Although both atomic and complex molecules play the role of atomic formulas, complex molecules are not indivisible. This is why they are called molecules and not atoms. Molecules come in several different forms:

Signatures and type checking: Signatures are assertions about the expected types of the method arguments and method results. They typically do not have direct effect on the inference (unless signatures appear in rule bodies). The signature information is optional.

The semantics of signatures is defined as follows. First, the intended model of the knowledge base is computed (which in SWSL-Rules is taken to be the well-founded model). Then, if typing needs to be checked, we must verify that this intended model is well-typed. A well-typed model is one where the value molecules conform to their signatures. For the precise definition of well-typed models see [Kifer95]. (There can be several different notions of well-typed models. For instance, one for semi-structured data and another for completely structured data.)

A type-checker can be written in SWSL-Rules using just a few rules. Such a type checker is a query, which returns "No", if the model is well-typed and a counterexample otherwise. In particular, type-checking has the same complexity as querying. An example of such type checker can be found in the FLORA-2 manual [Yang04].

It is important to be aware of the fact that the semantics of the cardinality constraints in signature molecules is inspired by database theory and practice and it is different from the semantics of such constraints in OWL [OWL Reference]. In SWSL-Rules, cardinality constraints are restrictions on the intended models of the knowledge base, but they are not part of the axioms of the knowledge base. Therefore, the intended models of the knowledge base are determined without taking the cardinality constraints into the account. Intended models that do not satisfy these restrictions are discarded. In contrast, in OWL cardinality constraints are represented as logical statements in the knowledge base and all models are computed by taking the constraints into the account. Therefore, in OWL it is not possible to talk about knowledge base updates that violate constraints. For instance, the following signature married[spouse {1:1} => married] states that every married person has exactly one spouse. If john:married is true but there is no information about John's spouse then OWL will assume that john has some unknown spouse, while SWSL-Rules will reject the knowledge base as inconsistent. If, instead, we know that john[spouse -> mary] and john[spouse -> sally] then OWL will conclude that mary and sally are the same object, while SWSL-Rules will again rule the knowledge base to be inconsistent (because, in the absence of the information to the contrary — for example, if no :=:-statements have been given — mary and sally will be deemed to be distinct objects).

Inheritance in SWSL-Rules: Inheritance is an optional feature, which is expressed by means of the syntactic features described below. In SWSL-Rules, methods and attributes can be inheritable and non-inheritable. Non-inheritable methods/attributes correspond to class methods in Java, while inheritable methods and attributes correspond to instance methods.

The value- and signature-molecules considered so far involve non-inheritable attributes and methods. Inheritable methods are defined using the *-> and *=> arrow types, i.e., t[m *-> v] and t[m *=> v]. For Boolean methods we use t[*m] and t[m*=>].

Signatures obey the laws of monotonic inheritance, which are as follows:

These laws state that type declarations for inheritable methods are inherited to subclasses in an inheritable form, i.e., they can be further inherited. However, to the members of a class such declarations are inherited in a non-inheritable form. Thus, inheritance of signatures is propagated through subclasses, but stops once it hits class members.

Inheritance of value molecules is more involved. This type of inheritance is nonmonotonic and it can be overridden if the same method or attribute is defined for a more specific class. More precisely,

Similarly to signatures, value molecules are inherited to subclasses in the inheritable form and to members of the classes in the non-inheritable form. However, the key difference is the phrase "unless overridden or in conflict." Intuitively, this means that if, for example, there is a class w in-between t and s such that the inheritable method m is defined there then the inheritance from s is blocked and m should be inherited from w instead. Another situation when inheritance might be blocked arises due to multiple inheritance conflicts. For instance, if t is a subclass of both s and u, and if both s and u define the method m, then inheritance of m does not take place at all (either from s or from u; this policy can be modified by specifying appropriate rules, however). The precise model-theoretic semantics of inheritance with overriding is based on an extended form of the Well-Founded Semantics. Details can be found in [Yang02].

Note that signature inheritance is not subject to overriding, so every inheritable molecule is inherited to subclasses and class instances. If multiple molecules are inherited to a class member or a subclass, then all of them are considered to be true.

Inheritance of Boolean methods is similar to the inheritance of methods and attributes that return non-Boolean values. Namely,

Complex molecules: SWSL-Rules molecules can be combined into complex molecules in two ways:

Grouping applies to molecules that describe the same object. For instance,

      t[m1 -> v1] and t[m2 => v2] and t[m3 {6:9} => v3] and t[m4 -> v4]

is, by definition, equivalent to

      t[m1 -> v1 and m2 => v2 and m3 {6:9} => v3 and m4 -> v4]

Molecules connected by the or connective can also be combined using the usual precedence rules:

      t[m1 -> v1] and t[m2 => v2] or t[m3 {6:9} => v3] and t[m4 -> v4]


      t[m1 -> v1 and m2 => v2 or m3 {6:9} => v3 and m4 -> v4]

The and connective inside a complex molecule can also be replaced with a comma, for brevity. For example,

      t[m1 -> v1, m2 => v2]

Nesting applies to molecules in the following ``chaining'' situation, which is a common idiom in object-oriented databases:

      t[m -> v] and v[q -> r]

is by definition equivalent to

      t[m -> v[q -> r]]

Nesting can also be used to combine membership and subclass molecules with value and signature molecules in the following situations:

      t:s and t[m -> v]
      t::s and t[m -> v]

are equivalent to

      t[m -> v]:s
      t[m -> v]::s


Molecules can also be nested inside predicates and terms with a semantics similar to nesting inside other molecules. For instance, p[a->c] is considered to be equivalent to p(a) and a[b->c]. Deep nesting and, in fact, nesting in any part of another molecule or predicate is also allowed. Thus, the formulas

      p(f(q,a[b -> c]),foo)
      a[b -> foo(e[f -> g])]
      a[foo(b[c -> d]) -> e]
      a[foo[b -> c] -> e]
      a[b -> c](q,r)

are considered to be equivalent to

      p(f(q,a),foo) and a[b -> c]
      a[b -> foo(e)] and e[f -> g]
      a[foo(b) -> e] and b[c -> d]
      a[foo -> e] and foo[b -> c]
      a[b -> c] and a(q,r)

respectively. Note that molecule nesting leads to a completely compositional syntax, which in our case means that molecules are allowed in any place where terms are allowed. (Not all of these nestings might look particularly natural, e.g., a[b -> c](q,r) or p(a[b -> c](?X)), but there is no good reason to reject these nestings and thus complicate the syntax either.)

Path expressions: Path expressions are useful shorthands that are widely used in object-oriented and Web languages. In a logic-based language, a path expression sometimes allows writing formulas more concisely by eliminating multiple nested molecules and explicit variables. SWSL-Rules defines path expressions only as replacements for value molecules, since this is where this shorthand is most useful in practice.

A path expression has the form

      t.t1.t2. ... .tn


      t!t1!t2! ... !tn

The former corresponds to non-inheritable molecules and the latter to inheritable ones. In fact, "." and "!" can be mixed within the same path expression.

A path expression can occur anywhere where a term is allowed to occur. For instance, a[b -> c.d], a.b.c[e -> d], p(a.b), and X=a.b are all legal formulas. The semantics of path expressions in the body of a rule and in its head are similar, but slightly different. This difference is explained next.

In the body of a rule, an occurrence of the first path expression above is treated as follows. The conjunction

      t[t1 -> ?Var1] and ?Var1[t2 -> ?Var2] and ... and ?Varn-1[tn -> ?Varn]

is added to the body and the occurrence of the path expression is replaced with the variable ?Varn. In this conjunction, the variables ?Var1, ..., ?Varn are new and are used to represent intermediate values. The second path expression is treated similarly, except that the conjunction

      t[t1 *-> ?Var1] and ?Var1[t2 *-> ?Var2] and ... and ?Varn-1[tn *-> ?Varn]

is used. For instance, mary.father.mother = sally in a rule body is replaced with

      mary[father -> ?F] and ?F[mother -> ?M] and ?M = sally

In the head of a rule, the semantics of path expressions is reduced to the case of a body occurrence as follows.. If a path expression, ρ, occurs in the head of a rule, it is replaced with a new variable, ?V, and the predicate ?V=ρ is conjoined to the body of the rule. For instance,

      p(a.b) :- body.

is understood as

      p(?V) :- body and ?V=a.b.

Note that since molecules can appear wherever terms can, path expressions of the form a.b[c -> d].e.f[g -> h].k are permitted. They are conceptually similar to XPath expressions with predicates that control the selection of intermediate nodes in XML documents. Formally, such a path expression will be replaced with the variable ?V and will result in the addition of the following conjunction:

      a[b -> ?X[c -> d]] and ?X[e -> ?Y] and ?Y[f -> ?Z[g -> h]] and ?Z[k -> ?V]

It is instructive to compare SWSL-Rules path expressions with XPath. SWSL-Rules path expressions were originally proposed for F-logic [Kifer95] several years before XPath. The purpose was to extend the familiar notation in object-oriented programming languages and to adapt it to a logic-based language. It is easy to see that the ``*'' idiom of XPath can be captured with the use of a variable. For instance, b/*/c applied to object e is expressed as e.b.?X.c. The ``..'' idiom of XPath is also easy to express. For instance, a/../b/c applied to object d is expressed as ?_[?_ -> d.a].b.c. On the other hand, there is no counterpart for the // idiom of XPath. The reason is that this idiom is not well-defined when there are cycles in the data (for instance, a[b -> a]). However, recursive descent into the object graph can be defined via recursive rules.

2.11 Reification

The reification layer allows SWSL-Rules to treat certain kinds of formulas as terms and therefore to manipulate them, pass them as parameters, and perform various kinds of reasoning with them. In fact, the HiLog layer already allows certain formulas to be reified. Indeed, since any HiLog term is also a HiLog atomic formula, such atomic formulas are already reifiable. However, the reification layer goes several steps further by supporting reification of arbitrary rule or formula that can occur in the rule head or rule body. (Provided that it does not contain explicit quantifiers -- see below.)

Formally, if F is a formula that has the syntactic form of a rule head, a rule body, or of a rule then F is also considered to be a term. This means that such a formula can be used wherever a term can occur.

Note that a reified formula represents an objectification of the corresponding formulas. This is useful for specifying ontologies where objects represent theories that can be true in some worlds, but are not true in the present world (and thus those theories cannot be asserted in the present world). Examples include the effects of actions: effects of an action might be true in the world that will result after the execution of an action, but they are not necessarily true now.

In general, reification of formulas can lead to logical paradoxes [Perlis85]. The form of reification used in SWSL-Rules does not cause paradoxes, but other unpleasantries can occur. For instance, the presences of a truth axiom (true(?X) <--> ?X) can render innocently looking rule-bases inconsistent. However, as shown in [Yang03], the form of reification in SWSL-Rules does not cause paradoxes as long as

We therefore adopt the above restrictions for all layers of SWSL-Rules (but not for SWSL-FOL).

As presented above, reification introduces syntactic ambiguity, which arises due to the nesting conventions for molecules. For instance, consider the following molecule:

      a[b -> t]

Suppose that t is a reification of another molecule, c[d -> e]. Since we have earlier said that any formula suitable to appear in the rule body can also be viewed as a term, we can expand the above formula into

      a[b -> c[d -> e]]

But this is ambiguous, since earlier we defined the above as a commonly used object-oriented idiom, a syntactic sugar for

      a[b -> c] and c[d -> e]

Similarly, if we want to write something like t[b -> c] where t is a reification of f[g -> h] then we cannot write f[g -> h][b -> c] because this nested molecule is a syntactic sugar for f[g -> h] and f[b -> c]. To resolve this ambiguity, we introduce the reification operator, ${...}, whose only role is to tell the parser that a particular occurrence of a nested molecule is to be treated as a term that represents a reified formula rather than as syntactic sugar for the object-oriented idiom.

Note that the explicit reification operator is not required for HiLog predicates because there is no ambiguity. For instance, we do not need to write ${p(?X)} below (although it is permitted and is considered the same as p(?X)):

      a[b -> p(?X)]

This is because a[b -> p(?X)] does not mean   a[b -> p(?X)] and p(?X), since the sugar is used only for nested molecules.

In contrast, explicit reification is needed below, if we want to reify p(?X[foo -> bar]):

      a[b -> p(?X[foo -> bar])]

Otherwise p(?X[foo -> bar]) would be treated as syntactic sugar for sugar for

      a[b -> p(?X)] and ?X[foo -> bar]

Therefore, to reify p(?X[foo -> bar]) in the above molecule one must write this instead:

      a[b -> ${p(?X[foo -> bar])}]

Example. Reification in SWSL-Rules is very powerful and yet it doesn't add to the complexity of the language. The following fragment of a knowledge base models an agent who believes in the modus ponens rule:

      john[believes -> ${p(a)}].
      john[believes -> ${p(?X) ==> q(?X)}].
      // modus ponens
      john[believes -> ?A] :-
               john[believes -> ${?B ==> ?A}] and john[believes -> ?B].

Since the agent believes in p(a) and in the modus ponens rule, it can infer q(a). Note that in the above we did not need explicit reification of p(a), since no ambiguity can arise. However, we used the explicit reification anyway, for clarity.

Syntactic rules. Currently SWSL-Rules does not permit explicit quantifiers under the scope of the reification operator, because the semantics for reification given in [Yang03, Kifer04] does not cover this case. So not every formula can be reified. More specifically, the formulas that are allowed under the scope of the reification operator are:

The implication of these restrictions is that every term that represents a reification of a SWSL-Rules formula has only free variables, which can be bound outside of the term. Each such term can therefore be viewed as a (possibly infinite) set of reifications of the ground instances of that formula.

2.12 Skolemization in SWSL-Rules

It is often necessary to specify existential information in the head of a rule or in a fact. Due to the limitations of the logic programming paradigm, which trades the expressive power for executional efficiency, such information cannot be specified directly. However, existential variables in the rule heads can be approximated through the technique known as Skolemization [Chang73]. The idea of Skolemization is that in a formula of the form ∀ Y1...Yn∃ X ... φ the existential variable X can be removed and replaced everywhere in φ with the function term f(Y1...Yn), where f is a new function symbol that does not occur anywhere else in the specification. The rationale for such a substitution is that, for any query, the original rule base is unsatisfiable if and only if the transformed rule base is unsatisfiable [Chang73]. This implies that the query to the original rule base can be answered if and only if it can be answered when posed against the Skolemized rule base. However, from the point of view of logical entailment, the Skolemized rule base is stronger than the original one, and this is why we say that Skolemization only approximates existential quantification, but is not equivalent to it.

Skolemization is defined for formulas in prenex normal form, i.e., formulas where all the quantifiers are collected in a prefix to the formula and apply to the entire formula. A formula that is not in the prenex normal form can be converted to one in the prenex normal form by a series of equivalence transformations [Chang73].

SWSL-Rules supports Skolemization by providing special constants _# and _#1, _#2, _#3, and so on. As with other constants in SWSL, these symbols can be used both in argument positions and in the position of a function. For instance, _#(a,_#,_#2(c,_#2)) is a legal function term.

Each occurrence of the symbol _# denotes a new constant. Generation of such a constant is the responsibility of the SWSL-Rules compiler. For instance, in _#(a,_#,_#2(c,_#2)), the two occurrences of _# denote two different constants that do not appear anywhere else. In the first case, the constant is in the position of a function symbol. The numbered Skolem constants, such as _#2 in our example, also denote a new constant that does not occur anywhere else in the rule base. However, the different occurrences of the same numbered symbol in the same rule denote the same new constant. Thus, in the above example the two occurrences of _#2 denote the same new symbol. Here is a more complete example:

      holds(a,_#1) and between(1,_#1,5).
      between(minusInf, _#(?Y), ?Y)   :-  timepoint(?Y) ?Y != minusInf.

In the first line, the two occurrences of _#1 denote the same new Skolem constant, since they occur in the scope of the same rule. In the second line, the occurrence of _# denotes a new Skolem function symbol. Since we used _# here, this symbol is distinct from any other constant. Note, however, that even if we used _#1 in the second rule, that symbol would have denoted a distinct new function symbol, since it occurs in a separate rule and there is no other occurrence of _#1 in that rule.

The Skolem constants in SWSL-Rules are in some ways analogous to the blank nodes in RDF. However, they have the semantics suitable for a rule-based language and it has been argued in [Yang03] that the Skolem semantics is superior to RDF, which relies on existential variables in the rule heads [Hayes04].

2.13 SWSL-Rules and XML Schema Data Types

SWSL-Rules supports the primitive XML Schema data types. However, since SWSL-Rules is quite different from XML, it adapts the lexical representation for XML data types to the form that is more suitable for a logic-based language. The translation from the XML lexical representation of primitive data types to SWSL-Rules is straightforward.

The general rule is that each primitive value is represented by a function term whose functor symbol is the name of the primitive data type prefixed with an underscore (_). The arguments of the term represent the various components of the primitive data type. For instance, _string("abc"), _date(2005,7,18), _decimal(123.56), _integer(321), _float(23e5), and so on.

The string, decimal, integer, and float data types have a shorthand notation (some of which had been seen before). Thus, _string("abc") is abbreviated to "abc", _decimal(123.56) to 123.56, _integer(321) to 321, and _float(23e5) to 23e5.

Other primitive data types are represented using a similar notation. For instance, the duration of 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes is represented as _duration(1,2,3,10,30,0) where the first argument of _duration represents years and the last seconds. The same negative duration is represented as -_duration(1,2,3,10,30,0). For another example, the values of the dateTime type are represented as _dateTime(2005,10,29,15,55,40).

It is often necessary to exchange values of primitive data types between applications. Since the internal representations of the data types vary from language to language, serialization into a commonly agreed representation has been used for this purpose. SWSL-Rules supports serialization of primitive data types via the built-in predicate _serialize. It takes three arguments: a SWSL-Rules value of a SWSL-Rules data type, a URI that denotes the target of serialization, and a result, which is a string that contains the serialized value. Currently, the only target is http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema, which refers to XML Schema 1.0. Other targets will be added as necessary (for example, for XML Schema 1.1 when it is released). Example: _serialize(_date(2005,1,1),_"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",?Result) binds ?Result to "2005-01-01".

The predicate _serialize is intended to work both ways: for serialization and deserialization. Deserialization occurs when the last argument is bound to a string representation of a data type and the first argument is unbound. For instance, _serialize(?Result,_"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema","2005-01-01") binds ?Result to _date(2005,1,1).

2.14 Semantics of SWSL-Rules

A single point of reference for the model-theoretic semantics of SWSL-Rules will be given in a separate document. Here we will only give an overview and point to the papers where the semantics of the different layers were defined separately.

First, we note that the semantics of the Lloyd-Topor leyers -- both monotonic and nonmonotonic -- is transformational and was given in Sections 2.4 and 2.6. Similarly, the Courteous layer is defined transformationally and is described in [Grosof2004a].

The model theory of NAF is given by the well-founded semantics as described in [VanGelder91]. The model theory behind HiLog is described in [Chen93] and F-logic is described in [Kifer95]. The semantics of inheritance that is used in SWSL-Rules is defined in [Yang02]. The model theory of reification is given in [Yang03] and was further extended to reification of rules in [Kifer04].

The semantics of the Equality layer is based on the standard semantics (for instance, [Chang73]) but is modified by the unique name assumption, which states that syntactically distinct terms are unequal. This modification is described in [Kifer95], and we summarize it here. First, without equality, SWSL-Rules makes the unique name assumption. With equality, the unique name assumption is modified to say that terms that cannot be proved equal with respect to :=: are assumed to be unequal. In other words, SWSL-Rules makes a closed world assumption about explicit equality.

Other than that, the semantics of :=: is standard. The interpretation of this predicate is assumed to be an equivalence relation with congruence properties. A layman's term for this is "substitution of equals by equals." This means that if, for example, t:=:s is derived for some terms t and s then, for any formula φ, it is true if and only if ψ is true, where ψ is obtained from φ by replacing some occurrences of t with s.

Overall, the semantics of SWSL-Rules has nonmonotonic flavor even without NAF and its extension layers. This is manifested by the use of the unique name assumption (modified appropriately in the presence of equality) and the treatment of constraints. To explain the semantics of constraints, we first need to explain the idea of canonic models.

In classical logic, all models of a set of formulas are created equal and are given equal consideration. Nonmonotonic logics, on the other hand, carefully define a subset of models, which are declared to be canonical and logical entailment is considered only with respect to this subset of models. Normally, the canonical models are so-called minimal models, but not all minimal models are canonical.

Any rule set that does not use the features of the NAF layer and its extensions is known to have a unique minimal model, which is also its canonical model. This is an extension of the well-known fact for Horn clauses in classical logic programming [Lloyd87]. With NAF, a rule set may have multiple incomparable minimal models, and it is well-known that not all of these models appropriately capture the intended meaning of rules. However, it turns out that one such model can be distinguished, and it is called the well-founded model [VanGelder91]. A formula is considered to be true according to the SWSL-Rules semantics if and only if it is true in that one single model, and the formula is false if and only if it is false in that model.

Now, in the presence of constraints, the semantics of SWSL-Rules is defined as follows. Given a rulebase, first its canonical model is determined. In this process, all constraints are ignored. Next, the constraints are checked in the canonical model. If all of them are true, the rulebase is said to be consistent. If at least one constraint is false in the canonical model, the constraint is said to be violated and the rulebase is said to be inconsistent.

2.15 SWSL-FOL: The First-order Subset of SWSL

The SWSL language includes all the connectives used in first-order logic and, therefore, syntactically first-order logic is a subset of SWSL. When the semantics of first-order connectives differs from their nonmonotonic interpretation, new nonmonotonic connectives are introduced. For instance, first-order negation, neg, has a nonmonotonic counterpart naf and first-order implications <== and ==> have a nonmonotonic counterpart :-.

It follows from the above that SWSL-Rules and SWSL-FOL share significant portions of their syntax. In particular, every connective used in SWSL-FOL can also be used in SWSL-Rules. However, not every first-order formula in SWSL-FOL is a rule and the rules in SWSL-Rules are not first-order formulas (because of ":-"). Therefore, neither SWSL-FOL is a subset of SWSL-Rules nor the other way around. Furthermore, even though the classical connectives neg and ==>/<== can occur in SWSL-Rules, they are embedded into an overall nonmonotonic language and their semantics cannot be said to be exactly first-order.

Formally, SWSL-FOL consists of the following formulas:

As in the case of SWSL-Rules, we will ise the period (".") to designate the end of a SWSL-FOL formula.

SWSL defines three extensions of SWSL-FOL. The first extension adds the equality operator, :=:, the second incorporates the object-oriented syntax from the Frames layer of SWSL-Rules, the third does the same for the HiLog layer.

Formally, SWSL-FOL+Equality has the same syntax as SWSL-FOL, but, in addition, the following atomic formulas are allowed:

SWSL-FOL+Frames has the same syntax as SWSL-FOL except that, in addition, the following is allowed:

SWSL-FOL+HiLog extends SWSL-FOL by allowing HiLog terms and HiLog atomic formulas instead of first-order terms and first-order atomic formulas.

Each of these extensions is not only a syntactic extension of SWSL-FOL but also a semantic extension. This means that if φ and ψ are formulas in SWSL-FOL then φ |= ψ in SWSL-FOL if and only if the same holds in SWSL-FOL+Equality, SWSL-FOL+Frames, and SWSL-FOL+HiLog. We will say that SWSL-FOL+Equality, SWSL-FOL+Frames, and SWSL-FOL+HiLog are conservative semantic extensions of SWSL-FOL.

SWSL-FOL+HiLog and SWSL-FOL+Frames can be combined both syntactically and semantically. The resulting language is a conservative semantic extension of both SWSL-FOL+HiLog and SWSL-FOL+Frames. Similarly, SWSL-FOL+Equality and SWSL-FOL+Frames can be combined and the resulting language is a conservative extension of both. Interestingly, combining SWSL-FOL+Equality with SWSL-FOL+HiLog leads to a conservative extension of SWSL-FOL+HiLog, but not of SWSL-FOL+Equality! More precisely, if φ and ψ are formulas in SWSL-FOL+Equality and φ |= ψ then the same holds in SWSL-FOL+HiLog. However, there are formulas such that φ |= ψ holds in SWSL-FOL+HiLog but not in SWSL-FOL+Equality [Chen93].

2.16 Semantics of SWSL-FOL

The semantics of the first-order sublanguage of SWSL is based on the standard first-order model theory and is monotonic. The only new elements here are the higher-order extension that is based on HiLog [Chen93] and the frame-based extension based on F-logic [Kifer95]. The respective references provide a complete model theory for these extensions, which extends the standard model theory for first-order logic.

2.17 Future Extensions

To enhance the power of the SWSL-Rules language, a number of extensions are being planned, as described below.