% notes on Joint Committee telecon 9/14/2004 % by Benjamin Grosof participants: %%%% agenda: REWERSE PPSWR [1] report (Benjamin - 10 min) FOL RuleML Updated [2] (Harold - 30 min) SWRL FOL packaging and publication options (all - 10 min) [1] http://www.pms.ifi.lmu.de/PPSWR04/ [2] http://www.daml.org/listarchive/joint-committee/1792.html %%%% PPSWR04 report by Benj: a REWERSE event (Benj is on the board, and was an invited speaker as was Michael Kifer) decent quality lots of interest in rules / logic programs and ontologies; also other topics such as temporal reasoning REWERSE plans: next PPSWR04, in Sept. 2005, will be at Dagstuhl, not colocated with ICLP there will be a summer school, on SW rules etc., in Malta late July 2005 Mike D.: also relevant: - DAML Time ontology has existed for a while: - SWAD-Europe efforts %%%% FOL RuleML design discussion: Harold walked thru his/the latest draft of FOL RuleML ([2] above) label -- at top level forall "closure" within an implies, at top level - can be inherited from parent expression assert -- at top level query -- at top level implies; could have also impliedby and omit head, body tags Discussion: o detailed syntax spec Benj: want monolith BNF and XSD/DTD in the document Peter: yes, we really need the syntax spec'd out in the document (more discussion about this point being an urgent priority) Harold: yes, I volunteer to do that within the next few days Benj: want also answerset -- at top level -- e.g., bindings not just facts Harold: yes o query and answerset and conclusions Benj: there's an issue of existentially-bound answers cf. DAML Query Lang and OWL-QL. For simplicity, let's omit that in first version, then add as an extension later. Harold: sounds OK. Benj: wrt assert: what about distinguishing conclusions vs. premises? That's an important distinction for LP, esp. with NAF, and we may want to have it for congruence in the FOL syntax as well. This is related to answerset as well, since the answerset to a query is essentially of the conclusions flavor. This is related to the Turnstile element that has been proposed in RuleML V0.8xx. Harold: (missed recording his answer, he discussed Turnstile in part.) Peter and Harold: let's omit turnstile on purpose here, so that we don't talk about truth in the language. - this was discussed on last week's telecon Benj: in query, I think it would be convenient to name a premise rulebase that is associated with a query, or that is associated with an answerset, or to name the query that is associated with an answerset. All that could wait til later, after we get the assertional sublanguage. However, it would help implementers to have it, as we have been discovering in our current SweetRules effort on architecting interfaces for RuleML inferencing tools. Mike Dean: W3 is working on a query language, we should look at what their design approach is (more discussion of issues; Ian and Peter and Mike felt that we should wait on query etc. stuff, Benj and Said ) consensus: since all the query/conclusion/answerset stuff adds complexity, and is not what we originally were tasked with by DAML PI Mtg request, let's avoid doing query etc. for now, and just focus on the assertional language. o SWRL builtins and other expressive distinctions not already in RuleML Benj: wrt SWRL aspects: want union of expressiveness, e.g., the data valued properties, builtins Said: we can handle the semantics of the builtins via fixed extensions, similar to in SWRL V0.6. Benj and all: yes o Negation element in FOL RuleML Benj: let's use Neg (Neg cf. in RuleML V0.85) rather than NOT as in the current draft - rationale: reuse Neg (from other RuleML sublang's and design principle), and cf. standard notion of classical negation in the KR literature (more discussion of rationale) consensus: yes, let's use Neg