xsb Candide Kemmler <[email protected]>

From: Brandon Amundson ([email protected])
Date: 02/13/02

  • Next message: [email protected]: "reykaubczcboutu"
    (Don't know if this mail will get through to the ml, let's see...).
    I would like to give a try to the XSB-DAML combination in an attempts to 
    overcome some limitation of our current design for a services platform 
    built around J2EE-SOAP-WSDL and the like.
    Therefore, I'd need a little help from the more experienced guys in this 
    field, since I didn't find any teaching material on the path to 
    successfull deployment of such a solution.
    If I'm succeeding, I'd like to share back my results so maybe someone 
    could benefit from it.
    Today, I've only managed to get XSB and yajxb working, but haven't got 
    too many insights on XSB, or even prolog in general. I've found that 
    Youyong Zou has already written support for DAML in XSB but the missing 
    part is the java program that parses DAML and feeds XSB with the 
    appropriate data. Obviously, I'd love to see the code for such a thing, 
    if it already exists.
    I'm also wondering if XSB is really considered solid enough to be 
    working in a production environment where it might replace the role of 
    the traditional RDBMS. In particular, how many facts is it able to take 
    into accounts ? And: is the possibility of installing a Oracle or ODBC 
    backend in XSB an option to increase the size of the "facts heap" ?
    My current idea is the following:
    Create several DAML ontologies.
    Have custom GUIs to create the DAML instances. Find a way to 
    automatically generate them from the ontologies. Let users modify the 
    ontologies at will.
    Setup a DAML crawler to record the location of the DAML instances, as 
    well as to keep track of what instances belong to what 
    ontologies/ontology versions (in case those ontologies evolve).
    Have the crawler feed an XSB engine with the DAML data.
    Send queries to the XSB engine. It would be nice to get back the data in 
    DAML for further XSLT processing...
    Thanks very much in advance,
    Candide Kemmler
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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    (Don't know if this mail will get through to the ml, let's see...).
    I would like to give a try to the XSB-DAML combination in an attempts
    to overcome some limitation of our current design for a services
    platform built around J2EE-SOAP-WSDL and the like.
    Therefore, I'd need a little help from the more experienced guys in
    this field, since I didn't find any teaching material on the path to
    successfull deployment of such a solution.
    If I'm succeeding, I'd like to share back my results so maybe someone
    could benefit from it.
    Today, I've only managed to get XSB and yajxb working, but haven't got
    too many insights on XSB, or even prolog in general. I've found that
    <fontfamily><param>Arial</param>Youyong Zou has already written
    support for DAML in XSB but the missing part is the java program that
    parses DAML and feeds XSB with the appropriate data. Obviously, I'd
    love to see the code for such a thing, if it already exists.
    I'm also wondering if XSB is really considered solid enough to be
    working in a production environment where it might replace the role of
    the traditional RDBMS. In particular, how many facts is it able to
    take into accounts ? And: is the possibility of installing a Oracle or
    ODBC backend in XSB an option to increase the size of the "facts heap" ?
    My current idea is the following:
    Create several DAML ontologies.
    Have custom GUIs to create the DAML instances. Find a way to
    automatically generate them from the ontologies. Let users modify the
    ontologies at will.
    Setup a DAML crawler to record the location of the DAML instances, as
    well as to keep track of what instances belong to what
    ontologies/ontology versions (in case those ontologies evolve).
    Have the crawler feed an XSB engine with the DAML data.
    Send queries to the XSB engine. It would be nice to get back the data
    in DAML for further XSLT processing...
    Thanks very much in advance,
    Candide Kemmler</fontfamily>

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