Re: Revised daml-time.pddl

From: pat hayes (
Date: 10/29/02

  • Next message: Drew McDermott: "Re: Revised daml-time.pddl"
    >I forgot two things in my previous message:
    >1) Yoav Shoham worked out an exhaustive taxonomy of eventuality types
    >    as part of his Ph.D. work.  Different types behave differently with
    >    regard to whether holding over an interval implies holding at each
    >    instant of the interval, and other such distinctions.  I'm not sure
    >    where to find the taxonomy, but we could ask Yoav.
    Obviously I havn't been tracking this stuff closely enough.
    I would be very unhappy if daml-time requires us to swallow an 
    ontology of 'eventualities'. Seems to me that there is no need to 
    ever introduce eventualities in a well-designed ontology; they are 
    just the sentences that are true at a time, and if one writes things 
    properly then they can stay being sentences.
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