Re: Question about DAML Ex Ontology

From: Dan Connolly ([email protected])
Date: 10/09/00

[Is there any particular reason this comment
was sent to the project-confidential forum?]

York Sure wrote:
> Hi,
> I have questions regarding your example ontololgy in daml:
> <rdf:RDF
>   xmlns:rdf =""
>   xmlns     =""
>   xmlns:daml=""
>   >
> what do you mean by:
>   xmlns     =""

>From the documentation:

The second declaration says that in this document, unprefixed element
names should be
understood as referring to things drawn from the namespace called 

-- Annotated DAML Ontology Markup
Sat, 07 Oct 2000 02:35:23 GMT

See also the suggested reading on namespaces:

	XML Namespaces by Example
            by Tim Bray Jan. 19, 1999 in 
	Namespace Myths Exploded
            by Ronald Bourret Mar. 8, 2000 in 


> And another question: why don't you reference the rdfs-namespace?
> For example:
>   xmlns:rdfs=""

It does, indirectly:
daml-ex imports daml-ont, and daml-ont imports RDFS.
daml:equivalentTo is used to make daml:Class
another name for rdfs:Class and such.

Dan Connolly, W3C

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