RKF PI Meeting Agenda

From: Howard, Jack (JHoward@schafercorp-ballston.com)
Date: 10/28/02

  The agenda for the RKF PI Meeting on 13-15 November has been posted to the
web site.  Please let me know if you have any suggested changes.  The site
agenda URL is:


  Please note that the demonstrations will now be conducted the evening of
Wednesday, 13 November instead of Thursday.  On Thursday evening, we will
have a social hour.  Demonstrations are highly encouraged, so please contact
me with your requirements (number of tables, easels, etc.)
  If you have any qurestions about the meeting, feel free to contact me via
e-mail or phone.

John J. Howard
Schafer Corporation
3811 North Fairfax Drive
Suite 400
Arlington, VA 22203
Phone: 703-516-6021
Cell: 703-298-4754
Fax: 703-516-6065
E-mail: jhoward@schafercorp-ballston.com

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