DAML PI workshop Feb 13-15 registraion information

From: Harris, Brad ([email protected])
Date: 01/05/01

Hello All,
Now that the holiday season is past, we are getting ready to start the new
year off with a bang.
The DAML PI meeting this year will be held in the Washington DC area from 13
Feb. - 15 Feb.  A brief agenda overview is to begin the meeting at the
Sheraton National Hotel on the 13th, spend the 14th at the TIC facilities
(the DAML lab), and back at the hotel on the 15th to wrap things up.
Please register for the meeting at http://schafercorp-ballston.com/daml_pi/.
We have reserved the conferece rates at the Sheraton National Hotel until
Jan. 23, so the sooner you claim your hotel reservation, the better off you
will be.
While you are at the registration website, please take the time to review
the agenda (not the final version), and periodically check back for updates.

We will be sending out more information regarding the meeting later in the
month and look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.
As usual, Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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