November 13, 2001 Attendees: Ora Harold Ian Peter Frank Lynn Pat Sandro Richard Dan C. Tim B-L Announcements: Deborah is maintaining as a repository for ``Tricks of the Trade''. Send mail to her (and cc joint-committee) with any additions you want. Agenda: Minutes for 30 October 2001 - approved Submission news (Peter) Almost all the required information has been collected. Even the Lucent lawyers have responded. Package has been sent in as of 2pm this afternoon. WebOnt news (Peter/...) We had an administrative telecon yesterday. Next telecon will be in about two weeks. The first face-to-face is scheduled at Bell Labs 14 and 15 January 2002. More than 40 people on the working group ... With the number of people interested in this, we will be prompted to create more educational materials. Perhaps a walkthrough of the walkthrough or a tutorial. Jim talked about the charter and what we're not doing :) homepage for this group: possible (short) report on DL+LP rules from Benjamin and Ian Ian: telephone conversation last week or so. nothing much happening so far. Harold(?): RuleML has made some progress ... changing DTD's to XML Schema's ... the inheritance is quite difficult. To provide a firm semantic ground for all of XML Schema ... a courageous thing to do... Harold: in February we will organize a seminar on rule markup techniques. Have about 20 participants so far, can handle more. or maybe Question: it seems that rules were important to get done, but it is moving slowly. Is there something more we need? Answer(?): we have lots of people who can't commit a large chunk of time to this, and that makes it hard. This seems related to layering in DAML+OIL. If you have varying layers of expressiveness you can add rules to those layers. Richard's query issues summary No feedback to the emails of the last days. Issue: these blank answers are clearly existential variables who's scope is the query itself and not the knowledge base. Are querries to be seen as independant, or are they part of a query process (can I use these blank answers in a new query ... are these two the same?) Ian: This seems like running when we're not sure we can crawl yet. If you can query incrementally, it keeps each query simple since you can always ask more. Talking about the *how many answers* question. Is this too hard? I got lost in this discussion a little... Peter: Anything that will happen in the next week? Richard: I'm waiting for responses on what I put out. Peter: Is it possible to get a couple of use cases? Richard: more examples would be useful.