August 14, 2001 Attendees: Pat Mike Ian Dan Eric Miller Ben Grosof Steffan Deb Frank Jim Announcements: Agenda: W3C WebOnt status - Eric Miller W3C has issued a call partifipation in the WebOnt Working group! -- for background documents, information about joining, etc. If you're not affiliated with a W3C member organization but you'd like to contribute, contact the chair. Chair: Jim Hendler -- charter October for the first face 2 face meeting for WebOnt Ian: interactions with the DAML-S folks coming out of the DAML PI meeting about language expressiveness Have base language with modules with more detail to be added on. So that you don't have the level of detail in the base language. Eric Miller agrees witht he suggestion of layered vocabularies for supporting daml-s Dan: Layered vocabularies makes sense ... follows the "partial understanding" principle. But by that same principle, I'd like to look closer at the idea that the process descriptions should be in a different language from the service descriptions. perhaps some of the worries about expressiveness ... we were worrying too much about it. Let them write down what they want to write down (let daml-s be a level on daml+oil as daml+oil is on rdf) Ian: has a copy of the most recent. The fact that there are many bugs in their daml-s says that very few will be able to write daml+oil with just a text editor ... which we have known. We need composing tools, etc. RDF Parser == ARP (via Eric Miller) Dan and Eric hope to see the oli-ed checker exposed as a web form, ala SirPAC SWWS workshop generated much interest in lots of different groups, industrial, etc. Ian: IJCAI .. Side meeeting of rules at this meeting. Ian, Ben, Stefan, Peter in attendance better understanding of both sides ... by indentifying the intersection between the two languages (daml+oil and some rules language). problem is, this subset is tricky ben: good news, quite a bit of expressiveness in daml+oil bad news, takes a bit of work to push it as far as it can go union of the two ... ben and ian will talk more and have a more detailed write up of this for next week. Mike put out a rules proposal, see link in the agenda Jim: panel at IJCAI impressed by the general idea that people seemed interested in putting semantic information on the web. Future plans one proposal: use this as a marking point for the committee ... a point where people who want to exit gracefully may do so, and probably pick up a few members. Jim: the original "idea" of this committee is somewhat completed with the announcement. Perhaps we could find a new thing to go after ... perhaps rules and querries. Dan will probably not be involed, jim too, if we do this as they will be consumed by the new WebOnt WG Ben? suggest that we make it a priority to have a w3c representative with this group. Suggest very tight connection between the future here and the WebOnt WG Deb: FOIS meeting oct 17-19 in maine Deb: RKF oct 17-19 in washington dc Ian: NFS-EU strategic workshop is oct 3-5 Jim: requesting the permission to invited Murray Burke be invited to come on with this ... permission granted :) Next week Mike suggest we use the same time schedule and have an equal mix of technical and procedural discussion.