Joint Committee Minutes 20 February 2001

This page summarizes the telecon for the Joint US/EU Committee on Agent Markup Languages held from 1300 to 1400 PST on 20 February 2001. These minutes were prepared by the chairman, and were approved during the 27 February telecon.



W3C has announced their Semantic Web Activity.

Thanks to everyone for their participation in the DAML PI Meeting!

Last Week's Minutes

Since Mike was late getting them out, we'll review the minutes from 6 February 2001 next week.

DAML PI Meeting

Deb provided her PowerPoint outbrief of the Language breakout session.

Observation: most of the current ontologies aren't using the more advanced features of DAML yet. ACTION (Mike): include generation of the features/properties summary in the DAML Ontology Library nightly build.

ACTION (Deb): Prepare a summary of action items from the Language Breakout session.

RDF Interest Group

There will be a W3C RDF Interest Group meeting in Cambridge February 26-27. Mike will give a talk on DAML (the language and the program). Lynn, Stefan, and Dan (one day) also plan to attend. ACTION (Mike): Develop and post the draft briefing for comments later this week. ACTION (everyone): Collect our RDF-related issues on the joint-committee email list.

Data Types

ACTION (Mike): Send email message to [email protected] expressing the committee's strong view in favor of using XMLSchema#type rather than the full X Pointer syntax.

Discussion followed from the discussion in Washington, and focused on the updated proposal and Mike's message.

Dan discussed pairing sets of properties with translation axioms, e.g. shoeSize and shoeSizeDecimal, to give content developers a choice of using tagged or untagged representations.

Mike remained very concerned about the extra burden placed on users in tagging each literal value (when the ontology developer has employed concrete types), and doesn't believe that the motivating factors of one-pass parsing and being able to process instance data in the absence of ontology definitions justifies this cost.

RESOLVED: We will release an updated language release incorporating the current proposal, acknowledge the outstanding issues and concerns, and solicit feedback from the larger community. ACTION (Ian, Frank, Peter): update the reference, walkthru, and other documents from the DAML+OIL release. ACTION (Dan): work with Deb (no longer on the telecon) to update the axiomatic semantics.


Kelly Barber's raw notes
last week's minutes

$Id: 2001-02-20.html,v 1.8 2001/04/10 09:35:11 mdean Exp $