Section 5. XML Concrete Syntax


5. XML Concrete Syntax

The XML Concrete Syntax is a combination of the OWL Web Ontology Language XML Presentation Syntax [OWL XML] with the RuleML XML syntax [RuleML]. This has several advantages:

An XML Schema for the SWRL XML Concrete Syntax is swrlx.xsd. swrlx.xsd currently references a local copy of the XML Schema for the OWL XML Presentation Syntax modified to allow external references to several of its elements and attributes and to define owlx:datarange, which appears to be a missing piece of the OWL XML Presentation Syntax.

The SWRL XML Concrete Syntax uses the namespaces http://www.w3.org/2003/11/swrlx, http://www.w3.org/2003/11/ruleml, http://www.w3.org/2003/05/owl-xml (owlx), and http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema (xsd).

The Ontology root element of the OWL XML Presentation Syntax is extended to include "imp" (implication rule) and "var" (variable declaration) axioms as found under the rulebase root of RuleML.

element Ontology
  swrlx:name = xsd:anyURI 
  Content: (owlx:VersionInfo | owlx:PriorVersion | owlx:BackwardCompatibleWith | 
            owlx:IncompatibleWith | owlx:Imports | owlx:Annotation | 
            owlx:Class[axiom] | owlx:EnumeratedClass(D,F) | 
            owlx:SubClassOf(D,F) | owlx:EquivalentClasses | owlx:DisjointClasses(D,F) | 
            owlx:DatatypeProperty | owlx:ObjectProperty | 
            owlx:SubPropertyOf | owlx:EquivalentProperties | 
            owlx:Individual[axiom] | owlx:SameIndividual | owlx:DifferentIndividuals |
            ruleml:imp[axiom] | ruleml:var[axiom])* 
Attribute: swrlx:name - refers to a name of this ontology, which is the base URI of this element.
Note: This is the root element of OWL documents in the XML presentation syntax, while rdf:RDF is used as the document root for OWL in RDF/XML.

We then simply need to add the relevant syntax for variables and rules.

Variable (var) axioms are statements about variables, indicating that the given string is to be used as a variable.

element ruleml:var[axiom]
Parents: swrlx:Ontology

A var axiom simply defines the existence of a variable. This is taken from the RuleML namespace. For example:

Example 5-1

Rule axioms (imp elements) are similar to SubClassOf axioms. They are taken from the RuleML namespace. A rule axiom can be read as a logical implication between the antecedent (_body) and consequent (_head). Like SubClassOf axioms, rules may include annotations. A rule axiom may optionally be named.

element ruleml:imp[axiom]
  Content: ( _rlab?, owlx:Annotation*, _body, _head )
Parents: swrlx:Ontology
Note: This element allows one to say that every binding that satisfies the _body of the rule must also satisfy the _head of the rule.

A rule axiom may optionally be named using a URI.

element ruleml:_rlab
  ruleml:href = xsd:anyURI (required)
  Content: ( )
Parents: ruleml:imp

Both _body and _head are lists of atoms and are read as the conjunction of the component atoms.

element ruleml:_body
  Content: ( swrlx:atom* )
Parents: ruleml:imp
element ruleml:_head
  Content: ( swrlx:atom* )
Parents: ruleml:imp

Atoms can be formed from unary predicates (classes), binary predicates (properties), equalities or inequalities.

Model group swrlx:atom
  Content: (swrlx:classAtom | swrlx:datarangeAtom | 
            swrlx:individualPropertyAtom | swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom | 
            swrlx:sameIndividualAtom | swrlx:differentIndividualsAtom |
Parents: ruleml:_body, ruleml:_head

Class atoms consist of a description and either an individual name or a variable name.

element swrlx:classAtom
  Content: ( owlx:description, swrlx:iObject )
Parents: swrlx:atom

The description in a class atom may be a class name, or may be a complex description using boolean combinations, restrictions, etc. For example:

Example 5-2
  <owlx:Class owlx:name="Person" />

    <owlx:Class owlx:name="Person" />
    <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="hasParent"> 
      <owlx:someValuesFrom owlx:class="Physician" />

Datarange atoms consist of a data range and either a literal or a variable name.

element swrlx:datarangeAtom
  Content: ( owlx:datarange, swrlx:dObject )
Parents: swrlx:atom

The description in a datarange atom may be a datatype ID, or may be a set of literals. For example:

Example 5-3
  <owlx:Datatype owlx:name="&xsd;int" />

    <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;int">5</owlx:DataValue>
    <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;int">10</owlx:DataValue>

Property atoms consist of a property name and two elements that can be individual names, variable names or data values.

element swrlx:individualPropertyAtom
  swrlx:property = xsd:anyURI {required} 
  Content: ( swrlx:iObject, swrlx:iObject )
Attribute: swrlx:property - a reference to an individual property name
Parents: swrlx:atom
element swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom
  swrlx:property = xsd:anyURI {required} 
  Content: ( swrlx:iObject, swrlx:dObject )
Attribute: swrlx:property - a reference to an datavalued property name
Parents: swrlx:atom

As OWL does not support complex property descriptions, a property atom takes only a property name. For example:

Example 5-4
<swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasParent"> 
  <owlx:Individual owlx:name="John" />

<swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="grade"> 
  <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;int">4</owlx:DataValue>

Same (different) individual atoms assert equality (inequality) between sets of individual and variable names.

element swrlx:sameIndividualAtom
  Content: ( swrlx:iObject* )
Parents: swrlx:atom
element swrlx:differentIndividualsAtom
  Content: ( swrlx:iObject* )
Parents: swrlx:atom

Note that (in)equalities can be asserted between arbitrary combinations of variable names and individual names. For example:

Example 5-5
  <owlx:Individual owlx:name="Clinton" />
  <owlx:Individual owlx:name="Bill_Clinton" />

Builtin atoms provide an interface to the built-ins.

element swrlx:builtinAtom
  swrlx:builtin = xsd:anyURI {required} 
  Content: ( swrlx:dObject* )
Attribute: swrlx:builtin - a reference to a built-in defined in Section 8
Parents: swrlx:atom
Model group swrlx:iObject
  Content: ( owlx:Individual[ID] | ruleml:var[ID] )
Parents: swrlx:classAtom, swrlx:individualPropertyAtom, swrlx:sameIndividualAtom, swrlx:differentIndividualsAtom
Model group swrlx:dObject
  Content: ( owlx:DataValue | ruleml:var[ID] )
Parents: swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom
element ruleml:var[ID]
Parents: swrlx:iObject, swrlx:dObject
Note: This element is used for solely referring to a variable ID, and does not actually define any variable, unlike a var axiom.

5.1. Rule Examples

We can use SWRL to assert that the combination of the hasParent and hasBrother properties implies the hasUncle property:

Example 5.1-1
  <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#example1"/>
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasParent"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasBrother"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasUncle"> 

An alternative formulation for the hasUncle rule given in Example 5.1-1 would be to assert that if x1 hasParent x2, x2 hasSibling x3, and x3 hasSex male, then x1 hasUncle x3:

Example 5.1-2
  <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#example2"/>
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasParent"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasSibling"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasSex"> 
      <owlx:Individual owlx:name="#male" />
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="hasUncle"> 

The following example is due to Guus Schreiber, and is based on ontologies used in an image annotation demo.

The rule expresses the fact that, given knowledge about the AAT style of certain ULAN artists (e.g., van Gogh is an Impressionist painter), we can derive the style of an art object (represented with the VRA element "style/period") from the value of the creator of the art object (represented by the VRA element "creator", a subproperty of dc:creator):

Example 5.1-3
      <owlx:Class owlx:name="&ulan;Artist" />
      <owlx:Class owlx:name="&aat;Style" />
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&aatulan;artistStyle"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&vra;creator"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&vra;style/period"> 

The following is taken from an extended example due to Mike Dean. It expresses the fact that for every Airport there is a map Point that has the same location (latitude and longitude) as the Airport and that is an object of "layer" (a map DrawingLayer). Moreover, this map point has the Airport as an underlyingObject and has the Airport name as its Label

Note how the expressive power of SWRL allows "existentials" to be expressed in the head of a rule--it is asserted that, for every airport, there must exist such a map point.

Example 5.1-4
Background knowledge about airports and maps:

<owlx:DatatypeProperty owlx:name="latitude"/>
<owlx:DatatypeProperty owlx:name="longitude"/>

    <owlx:Class owlx:name="Location" />
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="latitude"> 
        <owlx:allValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="longitude"> 
        <owlx:allValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>

<owlx:Individual owlx:name="&airport;GEG">
  <owlx:type owlx:name="&airport-ont;Airport" /> 
  <owlx:DataPropertyValue owlx:property="airport-ont:name">
    <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;string">Spokane Intl</owlx:DataValue> 
  <owlx:ObjectPropertyValue owlx:property="location">
      <owlx:DataPropertyValue owlx:property="latitude">
      <owlx:DataPropertyValue owlx:property="longitude">
<owlx:Individual owlx:name="layer">
  <owlx:type owlx:name="&map;DrawingLayer" /> 
<owlx:Individual owlx:name="map">
  <owlx:type owlx:name="&map;Map" /> 
  <owlx:DataPropertyValue owlx:property="&map;name">
    <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;string">Airports</owlx:DataValue> 
  <owlx:ObjectPropertyValue owlx:property="map:layer">
    <owlx:Individual owlx:name="layer"/>

A map:Location has latitude and longitude, both of which are doubles:

    <owlx:Class owlx:name="&map;Location" />
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="&map;latitude"> 
        <owlx:someValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="&map;latitude"> 
        <owlx:allValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="&map;longitude"> 
        <owlx:someValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>
      <owlx:DataRestriction owlx:property="&map;longitude"> 
        <owlx:allValuesFrom owlx:datatype="&xsd;double"/>

If a map:Location is the sameLocation as another location, 
then it has the same values for latitude and longitude.

      <owlx:Class owlx:name="&map;Location" />
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="sameLocation"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="latitude"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="longitude"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&map;latitude"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&map;longitude"> 

Wherever an Airport is located, there is some map:Location
that is the sameLocation as the Airport's location, and that
is the location of a map Point that is an object of the
map:DrawingLayer "layer":

<owlx:ObjectProperty owlx:name="&map;location" owlx:inverseOf="&map;isLocationOf" />
<owlx:ObjectProperty owlx:name="&map;object" owlx:inverseOf="&map;isObjectOf" />

      <owlx:Class owlx:name="&airport-ont;Airport" />
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="location"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="latitude"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="longitude"> 
      <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="sameLocation"> 
            <owlx:Class owlx:name="&map;Location" />
            <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="&map;isLocationOf"> 
                  <owlx:Class owlx:name="&map;Point" />
                  <owlx:ObjectRestriction owlx:property="&map;isObjectOf"> 
                        <owlx:Individual owlx:name="#layer" /> 

The map:Point whose map:location is the map:Location of an Airport 
has the airport as a map:underlyingObject and has a map:label 
which is the name of the Airport.

      <owlx:Class owlx:name="&airport-ont;Airport" />
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="location"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="sameLocation"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&map;location"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&airport-ont;name"> 
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&map;underlyingObject"> 
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&map;label"> 

The following ontology translation example shows the use of built-ins to convert units of measure:

Example 5.1-5
  <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#convertLength"/>
    <owlx:Documentation>ex2:lengthInInches = ex1:lengthInFeet * 12</owlx:Documentation>
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="&ex1;#lengthInFeet">
    <swrlx:builtinAtom swrlx:builtin="&swrlb;#multiply">
      <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;#int">12</owlx:DataValue>
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom swrlx:property="&ex2;#lengthInInches">

The following example shows the use of built-ins to perform comparisons necessary to compute a discount:

Example 5.1-6
  <ruleml:_rlab ruleml:href="#goldDiscount"/>
    <owlx:Documentation>Gold customers get a 10% discount on purchases of $500 or more</owlx:Documentation>
    <swrlx:individualPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&ex;#hasStatus"> 
      <owlx:Individual owlx:name="&ex;#gold"/>
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&ex;#hasTotalPurchase"> 
    <swrlx:builtinAtom  swrlx:builtin="&swrlb;#greaterThanOrEqual">
      <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;#int">500</owlx:DataValue>
    <swrlx:datavaluedPropertyAtom  swrlx:property="&ex;#hasDiscount"> 
      <owlx:DataValue owlx:datatype="&xsd;#int">10</owlx:DataValue>

These examples are also provided as example5.1-1.swrlx, example5.1-2.swrlx, example5.1-3.swrlx, example5.1-4.swrlx, example5.1-5.swrlx, and example5.1-6.swrlx.