A Proposal for an OWL Rules Language
by Ian Horrocks Peter F. Patel-Schneider


This is a description of a proposed rules extension to the OWL Web Ontology Language. It includes a high-level abstract syntax for Horn clause rules in both the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of OWL. A model-theoretic semantics is given to provide a formal meaning for OWL ontologies including rules written in this abstract syntax. An XML syntax based on the OWL XML presentation syntax and a mapping to RDF graphs based on the OWL RDF/XML exchange syntax are also given, along with several examples.


Rules Basics

Rule Atoms

Rules Power

Abstract Syntax

axiom ::= rule 
rule ::= 'Implies(' { annotation } antecedent consequent ')'
antecedent ::= 'Antecedent(' { atom } ')'
consequent ::= 'Consequent(' { atom } ')'
atom ::= description '(' i-object ')'
       | individualvaluedPropertyID '(' i-object i-object ')'
       | datavaluedPropertyID '(' i-object d-object ')'
       | sameAs '(' i-object i-object ')'
       | differentFrom '(' i-object i-object ')'
i-object ::= i-variable | individualID
d-object ::= d-variable | dataLiteral
i-variable ::= 'I-variable(' URIreference ')'
d-variable ::= 'D-variable(' URIreference ')'

Example 1

Assert that the combination of the hasParent and hasBrother properties implies the hasUncle property:

Generic rule syntax

hasParent(?x1,?x2) ∧ hasBrother(?x2,?x3) ⇒ hasUncle(?x1,?x3)

Abstract OWL syntax

Implies(Antecedent(hasParent(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x2))
		   hasBrother(I-variable(x2) I-variable(x3)))
	Consequent(hasUncle(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x3))))

Gets you just what you want (and a bit more)
If John has Mary as a parent and Mary has Bill has a brother then John has Bill as an uncle

Example 2

An alternative formulation of the first example:

Generic rule syntax

hasParent(?x1,?x2) ∧ hasSibling(?x2,?x3) ∧ hasSex(?x3,Male) 
   ⇒ hasUncle(?x1,?x3)

Abstract OWL syntax

Implies(Antecedent(hasParent(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x2))
		   hasSibling(I-variable(x2) I-variable(x3))
                   hasSex(I-variable(x3) Male))
	Consequent(hasUncle(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x3))))

Note use of OWL individual (Male)

Example 3

Assert that art objects inherit the style/period of the artist that created them:

Generic rule syntax

Artist(?x1) ∧ Style(?x2) ∧ artistStyle(?x1,?x2) ∧ creator(?x1,?x3)  
   ⇒ styleOrPeriod(?x3,?x2)

Abstract OWL syntax

Implies(Antecedent(Artist(I-variable(x1)) Style(I-variable(x2))
                   artistStyle(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x2))
		   creator(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x3)))
	Consequent(styleOrPeriod(I-variable(x3) I-variable(x2))))

Rules -v- Axioms

Subset of OWL DL can be transformed into equivalent rules (and vice versa)

For example (trivially):

SubClassOf(C D)
is equivalent to

Rules -v- Axioms (cont'd)


SubClassOf(intersectionOf(A restriction(P someValuesFrom(B)))
           intersectionOf(C restriction(Q allValuesFrom(D))))
is equivalent to
                   P(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x2))
                   P(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x2))
                   Q(I-variable(x1) I-variable(x3)))

Model-Theoretic Semantics

XML Syntax

Example 1 using extended OWL XML Syntax

    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasParent"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasBrother"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasUncle"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />

Example 2 using extended OWL XML Syntax

    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasParent"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasSibling"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x2" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasSex"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />
      <owlx:Individual owlx:name="#male" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="hasUncle"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x1" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="x3" />

Example 3 using extended OWL XML Syntax

      <owlx:class="&ulan;Artist" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_x" />
      <owlx:class="&aat;Style" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_y" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="&aatulan;artistStyle"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_x" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_y" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="&vra;creator"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_x" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_z" />
    <owlx:individualPropertyAtom  owlx:property="&vra;style/period"> 
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_z" />
      <owlx:Variable owlx:name="_y" />

Mapping to RDF Graphs

Example 2 using extended OWL RDF Syntax

<owlr:Variable rdf:ID="_x1"/>
<owlr:Variable rdf:ID="_x2"/>
<owlr:Variable rdf:ID="_x3"/>
  <owlr:antecedent rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <owlr:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="&eg;hasParent"/>
      <owlr:argument1 rdf:about="#_x1" />
      <owlr:argument2 rdf:about="#_x2" />
      <owlr:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="&eg;hasSibling"/>
      <owlr:argument1 rdf:about="#_x2" />
      <owlr:argument2 rdf:about="#_x3" />
      <owlr:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="&eg;hasSex"/>
      <owlr:argument1 rdf:about="#_x3" />
      <owlr:argument2 rdf:about="#male" />
  <owlr:consequent rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <owlr:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="&eg;hasUncle"/>
      <owlr:argument1 rdf:about="#_x1" />
      <owlr:argument2 rdf:about="#_x3" />

Extended Example (1)

From http://www.daml.org/2003/06/ruletests/translation-3.n3 (due to Mike Dean)

For every Airport there is a map Point that has the same location (latitude & longitude) as the Airport, that has the Airport as an underlyingObject and that has the Airport name as its Label


First some background knowledge (OWL axioms):


    restriction(map:latitude someValuesFrom(xsd:double))
    restriction(map:latitude allValuesFrom(xsd:double))
    restriction(map:longitude someValuesFrom(xsd:double))
    restriction(map:longitude allValuesFrom(xsd:double))

Extended Example (2)

Rule asserting that if a map:Location is the sameLocation as another location, then it has the same values for latitude and longitude:


             sameLocation(I-variable(loc) I-variable(maploc))
	     latitude(I-variable(loc) I-variable(lat))
	     longitude(I-variable(loc) I-variable(lon)))
  Consequent(map:latitude(I-variable(maploc) I-variable(lat))
             map:longitude(I-variable(maploc) I-variable(lon))))

Extended Example (3)

Rule asserting that wherever an Airport is located, there is some map:Location that is the sameLocation as the Airport's location and that is the location of a map Point:

ObjectProperty(map:location (inverseOf map:isLocationOf))

                   location(I-variable(airport) I-variable(loc))
		   latitude(I-variable(loc) I-variable(lat))
		   longitude(I-variable(loc) I-variable(lon)))
                    (sameLocation someValuesFrom
                        (map:Location restriction
                          (map:isLocationOf someValuesFrom

Note use of complex OWL description as predicate in rule;
use of OWL:someValuesFrom to assert existence of map location

Extended Example (4)

Rule asserting that a map:Point whose map:location is the map:Location of an Airport has the airport as a map:underlyingObject and has a map:label which is the name of the Airport.


ObjectProperty(map:location (inverseOf map:isLocationOf))

             location(I-variable(airport) I-variable(loc))
             sameLocation(I-variable(loc) I-variable(maploc))
             map:location(I-variable(point) I-variable(maploc))
	     airports:name(I-variable(airport) I-variable(name)))
             map:label(I-variable(point) I-variable(name))))

Conclusions and Future Work

Conclusions and Future Work (cont'd)