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DAML dotnetAPI

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The DAML dotnetAPI is an implemention of a DAML and RDF API for the .NET framework.

This toolkit provides a parser and model for reading and writing RDF and DAML files with .NET.

The API is written in C# and is based on the Jena API (note). The parser is based on the XMarksTheDot RDF.NET parser, which in turn makes use of the .NET XML parser. Please don't direct dotnetAPI questions to these projects, they are not responsible for this code.


The following extensions to the basic Jena API have been added:


DAML dotnetAPI is Open Source and free to use.


The DAML dotnetAPI has the following limitations:

Tutorial, Documentation, and Examples

We currently do not have a tutorial and the documentation is very sparse. But because the API is based on Jena, the Jena Tutorial and Documentation should be of some help. Please note that we decided to use dotnet naming standards so method names are now capitalized. Also a few methods are now dotnet get/set properties.

A few examples from the DAML+OIL section of the Jena Tutorial are available. Since exercises in the tutorial build upon each other I have only converted the 'final' files. In addition Example1.cs shows how to read a DAML file into a Model and print the classes.

Questions and Comments should be sent to David Rager (see below). The Jena developers are not involved with the .NET API so they are unable to answer any questions.


Version History

The following packages are available:
dotnetAPI-dll.zip Main dll and a few supporting dll files.
This is a DEBUG build of the project, so its a little bigger and slower because of the extra debugging information.
dotnetAPI-src.zip Source files
dotnetAPI-doc.zip Documentation files - they're quite sparse.
Portions of the Jena javadocs should be useful. Particularly the following packages:
  • com.hp.hpl.jena.daml
  • com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.common
  • com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.common
  • com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.mem
  • com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model



David Rager and Troy Self.
$Id: index.xml,v 1.5 2003/04/04 21:56:49 drager Exp $