my notes from today's 11/16/04 JC telecon

From: Benjamin Grosof ([email protected])
Date: 11/16/04

  • Next message: Benjamin Grosof: "suggested tweaks to wording of SWRL FOL document"
    % notes from JC telecon 11/16/04
    % by Benjamin Grosof
    Mike Dean
    Ian Horrocks
    Peter Patel-Schneider
    Benjamin Grosof
    Sandro Hawke
    Harold Boley
    ISWC-2004 conference reports by various people
    at main:
    Marie-Christine Rousset argued for limited DL expressiveness to enable
       efficiency on web scale
    at Rules workshop:
    Alun Preece on extending SWRL with constraints, is related to SWRL FOL.
    Christine Golbreich gave invited talk about SWRL uses.
    discussion on sameAs and differentFrom in the SWRL XML syntax
    (see Mike's agenda message):
    yes, let's make it exactly two arguments for each of these
    discussion on list builtin's taking as arguments:  i-objects vs. d-objects,
    including variables  (see Mike's agenda message):
    This is an issue that's thorny for RDF and OWL, and thus for
    SWRL.  It's treated in OWL-Full but not OWL-DL.
    We should back off of including our list builtin's for now, and list this as
    an issue for future work.
    Ideas of alternative approaches:
    1. ask Pat Hayes et al. how this is handled in KIF/SCL.
    2. axiomatize in rules [Peter]
    3. look at theory of how Prolog handles this
    Prof. Benjamin Grosof
    Web Technologies for E-Commerce, Business Policies, E-Contracting, Rules, 
    XML, Agents, Semantic Web Services
    MIT Sloan School of Management, Information Technology group or

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