Re: followup from telecon (integration of XML and RDF)

From: Stefan Decker ([email protected])
Date: 11/21/01


thanks for your answer.
I'm still not clear if I could represent an interpretation graph
in RDF, given the right vocabulary.

At 06:16 AM 11/21/2001, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>Let me try to answer the questions I think you are asking.
>Q: Your interpretations have several kinds of arcs.
>A: Not really, there are two kinds of information needed in an
>    interpretation, one mapping vocabulary to entities (the bold dashed arcs
>    in the interpretation picture) and one representing relationships
>    between entities (the skinny non-dashed arcs).
that means two kind of relation types,
"lucent:bold" and "lucent:skinny", right?


>Q: What is the relationship between your interpretations and RDF
>    interpretations?
>A: Our interpretations could be used as interpretations of RDF graphs.  I
>    think that there would be no difference whatsoever between our
>    interpretations and the new model theory for RDF.  Our interpretations
>    can also be used to give meaning to XML documents that are not RDF/XML
>    (because they violate the RDF striping requirement) and that thus cannot
>    be turned into RDF graphs.  Our interpretations do not, however, produce
>    the same result for some RDF/XML documents because of what we consider
>    to be broken parts of the RDF/XML serialization.
>    On page 13 we give a formal relationship between our interpretations and
>    the RDF model theory.
>Q: What other differences between XML and RDF do you capture?
>A: We allow for the relationships in the interpretation to be partially
>    order, thus capturing both the ordered view of the world from XML and
>    the unordered view from RDF.  We capture the graph nature of RDF by
>    annointing some attributes (and one element type) as logical (as opposed
>    to non-logical) constants and giving these constants special meaning.
>    We capture XML Schema primitive datatyping by having an XML Schema
>    validation phase in our syntactic processing and using the result of
>    that processing.  We capture XQuery references by handing reference
>    nodes.
>I hope that this answers your questions.
>From: Stefan Decker <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: followup from telecon (integration of XML and RDF)
>Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 22:38:16 -0800
> > Peter,
> >
> > thanks a lot for the pointer to your WWW-paper.
> > Please allow me a question:
> > in figure 5 on page 12 you present an RDF graph and an interpretation 
> graph.
> > The interpretation graph consists of nodes and arcs - as it seems,
> > several kinds of arcs.
> > Now it seems that I can go along, define the necessary vocabulary
> > (some arc names and node types) and represent arbitrary interpretation
> > graphs in RDF
> > (e.g., for arbitrary XML documents (with the cited restrictions))
> >
> > Is this true?
> > If not, why not?
> >
> > Thanks and all the best,
> >
> >          Stefan

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