OMG web services workshop

From: Tim Finin ([email protected])
Date: 11/20/01

The OMG has announced a web services workshop -- "Web Services: From
Technology to Reality, A Workshop on Modeling, Architectures,
Infrastructures and Standards for Business Collaboration" -- to be
held March 4-7, 2002 somewhere on the US West Coast.  The CFP
( says:

  Hosted by the OMG and sponsored by IONA Technologies, this workshop
  brings together the communities of Web Services standards bodies, Web
  Services practitioners (architects, modelers, developers, systems
  integrators), large end-users, and technology providers.
  Practitioners with relevant enterprise Web Services experience are
  invited to come and share their experiences with each other and their
  vendor community. The Workshop will start off with tutorials, and will
  feature presentations and open panel discussions of case studies and
  technology issues and choices.

  The Workshop is open to all with an interest in, and understanding of,
  Web Services technologies, architectures, modeling solutions and
  standards that apply to some combination of distributed applications,
  components, XML and XMI and metadata. The four-day program will
  consist of two days of tutorials in Web Services, followed by two days
  of sessions and panels that describe case studies and technology
  choices for enterprise applications that were modeled with UML.

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