further de-abstraction details

From: pat hayes ([email protected])
Date: 03/21/01

Heres a bit more of the kind of translation Im suggesting, this time 
using the further mappings

abstract restriction --> object restriction
abstract property -->  object property

To be consistent this would require changing the names of these three 
language elements:

I would suggest to, respectively:


A property restriction is a special kind of (abstract) class 
expression. It implicitly defines an anonymous class, namely the 
class of all abstract objects that satisfy
the restriction. There are two kinds of restrictions. The first kind, 
AbstractRestriction works on abstract properties, i.e., properties 
that relate abstract objects to
other abstract objects. The second kind DatatypeRestriction works on 
datatype properties, i.e., properties that relate abstract objects to 
datatype values. Both kinds
of restrictions are created using the same syntax, with the usual 
difference being whether a class element or a datatype reference is 
used. It is also possible to
create restrictions that are neither abstract restrictions nor 
datatype restrictions, but these restrictions are not handled within 


A property restriction is a special kind of class expression. It 
implicitly defines an anonymous class, namely the class of all 
objects that satisfy
the restriction. There are two kinds of restrictions. The first kind, 
ObjectRestriction, works on object properties, i.e., properties that 
relate objects to
other objects. The second kind DatatypeRestriction works on datatype 
properties, i.e., properties that relate  objects to datatype values. 
Both kinds
of restrictions are created using the same syntax, with the usual 
difference being whether a class element or a datatype reference is 
used. It is also possible to
create restrictions that are neither abstract restrictions nor 
datatype restrictions, but these restrictions are not handled within 

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