Re: submission to you-know-what

From: Pat Hayes ([email protected])
Date: 09/12/01

>As of 3pm EDT 12 Sept 2001, you should be able to see the new submission
>for you-know-what at
>If I don't get any changes, I'll submit it tomorrow (Thursday).

There is an old typo (I think) which is still there. In section 3 of 
the walkthru it says:


followed by

   <daml:imports rdf:resource="">

Inside the Ontology element, we list any imported ontologies (using 
imports properties). This particular ontology depends only on the 
standard DAML+OIL ontology (used in the namespace definitions above).

Note that this (imports) tag is an empty element; the same tag starts 
and ends the element, denoted by the trailing "/" just before the 
closing ">".
However, unless my old eyes are deceiving me, there ISN'T a trailing 
"/" just before the closing ">".


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